Stewed macaroni with Falukorv

Pan fried Falukorv with Stewed macaroons

So good - so quick - there is no better side dish what so ever to Falukorv says the kids!

6 port:

1 whole 800 g Nisses Falukorv.

6 port Elbow macaroni

5 dl macaroons

2 tablespoons of wheat flour (All purpos flour)

4 dl Milk

1 dl Whipe Creame (u can use only milk if u like)

salt and pepper

Cook the macaroni as instructed on the package. Turn off the water in a large layer and pour the macaroons into the pan. Stir down the wheat flour. Add milk and cream. Cook with stirring 3-5 minutes. Season with salt and pepper.

Make a slice in the plastic skin and take that away.

Cut the Falukorv in not so big slices max 1/4".

Heat up a frying pan to medium heat, add oil or butter.

Put in as many slices as u can and fry for around one minute per side -

then put them on a plate and keep on frying untill you are finish!

Tomato Kethup and maybe mustard is good to this dish also...